Board Officers
Board of Directors
Executive Director
Steven Montoya
A capacity-building expert and premiere movement leader, Steven most recently served as Managing Director of Mobilization at When We All Vote, catalyzing the organization at enterprise scale to “change the culture around voting.” He has spent 15 years advocating for social good across the country and brings deep experience in how to succeed despite an ephemeral policy climate, how to think big and win big, and how to celebrate the incremental victories that sustain a movement.
Now, Steven plans to lead Transportation Energy Partners with the belief that only people-centered policies can yield systemic change. For Steven, the son of working-class parents who was among the first generation in his family to attend college, policy is personal. As he put it, “Research and data points are simply pieces of the puzzle. People are at the core of all meaningful change. Our work to make lasting change in this country exists at the nexus of political and public will, galvanized by the action of informed, engaged, and expert Clean Cities coalitions." |
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