Presenting Sponsorship - $20,000
- Top billing during all Summit activities, on Summit materials, on TEP website, and all email blasts through 2023
- Prominent speaking role on all three Summit days
- Sponsorship of 30th Anniversary Clean Cities Reception - Monday evening, February 13
- Media event with top D.C. Policymakers
- Lead sponsorship of a TEP 2023 webinar on your topic of choice
- Opportunity to speak at Summit roundtable
- Company video playing during Summit (<120 seconds)
- Choose teams of Clean Cities Coalition leaders to join to meetings with House & Senate leaders
- Company success story in Summit participant briefing book and hand-out packets for Capitol Hill Day meetings
- Weekly Pre-Summit marketing recognition
- Company logo on Summit website
- 2023 year round TEP sponsorship including company logo on website & stakeholder communications
- Contact information for all Summit participants
- Sponsor slides looping during Summit
- 10 complimentary registrations to the Summit ($8,850 value)
Platinum Sponsorship - $11,000
- Opportunity to speak at Summit roundtable
- Company video playing during Summit (<90 seconds)
- Choose teams of Clean Cities Coalition leaders to join for meetings with House & Senate leaders
- Company success story in Summit participant briefing book and hand-out packets for Capitol Hill Day meetings
- Weekly Pre-Summit marketing recognition
- Company logo on Summit website
- 2023 year round TEP sponsorship including company logo on website & stakeholder communications
- Sponsor slides looping during Summit
- 5 complimentary registrations to the Summit ($4,425 value)
Gold Sponsorship - $7,000
- Company logo on Summit website
- 2023 year round TEP sponsorship including company logo on website & stakeholder communications
- Contact information for all Summit participants
- Sponsor slides looping during event
- 2 complimentary registrations to the Summit ($1,170 value)